Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Department of Agriculture essay

Naseem Garcha
The Department of Agriculture

My name is Orville L. Freeman, and I will be the secretary of The Department of Agriculture if John F. Kennedy gets re- elected president. Under my rule, the USDA will be more conscience of the environment along with many disregarded subjects. Currently my main concern lies with the economy and what our expenditures apply to.

As some of you may know, when I was first secretary of the USDA in 1955-1961, I initiated the Food Stamp Program which is still in place today and has been helping people with near poverty incomes and is administered through the USDA. I am also one of the founding members of the Minnesota Democratic- Farmer- Labor party, but let’s stop talking about what I have done and start talking about what I plan to do next.

The environment needs our help and protection more than ever, right now. We need to ease spending on public markets and start spending on agricultural research towards environmental malefactors caused by Agricultural businesses, such as the best soil to use and a way to reduce the amount of methane and other byproducts caused by livestock that are harmful to the planet. We also need to work on more plans on the conservation of water, and we need to put these plans into action before it’s too late.

Farmers markets should revolve around fair trade, and it’s a priority for me to make tighter laws and policies around the exploitation of other countries. We also need to keep a stronger watch and control on the spread of invasive species and the effects that can be caused by them, such as the avian influenza. This doesn’t only affect what we import, but what we export too, we don’t want other countries to be endangered by what we send out.

When I’m secretary of the USDA, many changes will be made, for the better. I can prevent our farmers, both private and public from falling into a financial depression. I can help save and protect the environment. And I will make trade fair.